%%viewer [https://player.vimeo.com/video/670141044]/%

__%%( color: #003399; font-size: 18px; )Type of tool:/%__ web application

__%%( color: #003399; font-size: 18px; )Required skills:/%__

- no special skills required

__%%( color: #003399; font-size: 18px; )Short description of the tool: /%__

The tool offers a wiki to support the selection process for shop floor data acquisition infrastructure. Therefore, it offers an outline of the most important steps to extract data from production processes and gives examples for solution providers. There is no digital data needed and no data will be stored. Direct links to selected products and companies will be given. The tool thus offers a support for setting up a shop floor data acquisition system.

Before you get started, take a look at the [guideline|https://di-plast.sis.cs.uos.de/attach/Data Infrastructure Wiki/Di-Plast_Tool Guideline_DIW_fin.pdf|style='background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);'] and make yourself familiar with how to use the tool.

__%%( color: #003399; font-size: 18px; )Disclaimer:/%__

(Disclaimer Text)

__%%( color: #003399; font-size: 18px; )Access the tool directly:/%__

__%%( color: rgb(0, 51, 153); font-size: 18px; ) \\/%__

__%%( color: #003399; font-size: 18px; )Use case/problem:/%__

Selecting suitable data infrastructure software

__%%( color: #003399; font-size: 18px; )Description of the problem the tools solves:/%__ The tool supports the decission for data infrastructure software by giving suggestions suitable for budget and techical experience.

__%%( color: #003399; font-size: 18px; )Contact person of the tool: /%__Christoph Kugler

__%%( color: #003399; font-size: 18px; )Related tools:/%__

- Analyse and Visualize your process data with data analytics -> [Data Analytics]

- Find the right sensor to survey your process -> [Sensor Tool]

- Improve internal information and material flow -> [VSM]

- Match material requirements with material properties -> [Matrix]