!!! %%( color: #003399; font-size: 22px; )WELCOME TO THE KNOWLADGE HUB ON SOLUTIONS TO ENABLE THE DIGITAL CIRCULAR ECONOMY FOR THE PLASTICS INDUSTRY/% This Wiki contains all information on and links to the tools developed within the EU funded project Di-Plast. \\ %%table-hover | Do you want to know more about the project? Please klick | [General Information |[Main/Logo_Di-Plast_rgb.png] | %% _Introduction text on challenges for the plastics circular economy The Di-Plast project provided multiple tool for various problems. !!! %%( color: #003399; font-size: 22px; ) How can we help you? - You are new here? Let us guide you through our solutions [Getting Started] - You know which tool you would like to use? Go straight to your prefered Tool (navigation on the left or go to [Toolkit overview]) - You want to get to know the Di-Plast project [Project information] - You have question/requestes etc. to the wiki? [General Contact] How to edit: [https://jspwiki-wiki.apache.org/Wiki.jsp?page=TextFormattingRules]