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Tool Description#

The Matrix Tool is an online web-tool to help manage find a replacement recycled plastics (recyclate) with certain properties or to find potential buyers of your produced plastics. TODO

Advantages of Shared Matrix Tool#

1. The matrix tool can help remove the barrier of one-to-one communication between customer and supplier.

2. Customers/buyers can find their desired recyclate using the matrix tool. Even if the material is not present they can always request the material with required properties. 3. Suppliers can showcase their their recyclates and attract customers using the tool.

4. Customers can request testing to verify the mentioned properties.

5. There will be an increase in the reccylate uptake.



Before you are getting started, take a look at the guidelines(info) and make yourself familiar with how to use the tool.

Getting Started#

The tool is available at Please contact ??? to get access to the tool.