!Tool Description

The Matrix Tool is an online web-tool to help manage find a replacement recycled plastics (recyclate) with certain properties or to find potential buyers of your produced plastics. If you are an user and looking to find a recyclate, you need to put your desired specifications (polymer type, processing tehcnology, properties etc) in the tool. The tool will then rank the available recyclate material from where you can find your best match. Converters can also put their requester material sepcification and potenrial supplier can easily contact the respective companies. The tool connects the supplier with the converter. That is why it can be also called as interconnected tool.

!Advantages of the Matrix Tool

[{Image src='Matrix/Tool-benefits-6.JPG'}]

!Explaination of Important Material Properties

__Charpy Impact Strength:__ Denotes the energy needed for fracture of the material. The greater the value, the more resistant the material is to cracking upon being hit and vice versa.

__Strain at Yield:__ Denotes the percentage of elongation of the material at its maximum elastic point. The greater the value, the more the elongation and vice versa.

__Yield Stress:__ Force the material can handle at its maximum elastic point. The greater the value, the more force the material can handle and vice versa.

__E-modulus:__ Denotes the stiffness of the material. The greater the value the stiffer the material is and vice versa.

__Vicat:__ Denotes the temperature at which the material softens.

__MFI:__ Denotes the flow behavior of the material. This property is very important for processing technology.


[Matrix Tool Video | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RS7IzU2VJIQ]


Before you are getting started, take a look at the [guidelines | matrix//matrix-guidelines.pdf] and make yourself familiar with how to use the tool.

!Getting Started

The tool is available at [https://matrix.sis.cs.uos.de/login.xhtml]. Please contact ??? to get access to the tool.