%%viewer [https://player.vimeo.com/video/670136295]%%

__Type of tool:__ e.g. web application or desktop application

__Required skills: __

- Process/material knowledge: e.g. knowledge of material properties

- Digitalization knowledge: e.g. no programming

__Short description of the tool: __

- Detailed description: Link to the guideline: 

__Use case/problem:__ Selecting material (recyclate) for specific
product requirements

__Description of the problem the tools solves:__ [[General] + [[Tool-specific]


__How to use/download/access it:__ e.g. got the the gitup [[link], copy
the code into [[XY] and start using\\

__Contact person of the tool: __
Stefan Bloemheuvel

__Related tools:__

- Set up a working data infrastucture

- Find the right sensor to survey your process 

- Validate your process data


! Tool Description

The tool offers a guided selection process for quality assurancetechnologies to be implemented in the production process. Therefore, it offersan intuitive web frontend with a series of selections to define your processand process problem.


! Guidelines

Before you get started, take a look at the [guidelines | Sensor Tool/Di-Plast_Tool Guideline_Sensor_fin.pdf] and make yourself familiar with how to use the tool.


! Getting Started

The tool is available through the plattform Streamlit via this Link: [Sensor Tool|https://share.streamlit.io/skz-digi/diplastsensorselection/updated/main.py]