!!%%(color: #003399; font-size: 24px;) Making use of your process data

In the current developments towards a smart industry (4.0), more and 
more data is collected concerning your operation processes. Insights in 
the data could contribute to improving these processes. 

!!%%(color: #003399; font-size: 24px;) You are not sure if your current process data is ready to use?
Having high quality data has an enormous potential in improving the data flows within the processes of your company, and is vital in analyzing  your data and interpret the results. Therefore, the data quality needs  to be checked. %%(color: #F1717F)The [Data Validation] Tool can help you with that!

!!%%(color: #003399; font-size: 24px;) Your process data is valid but product with recyclate is weak? 

-> link to [Data Analytics]

!!%%(color: #003399; font-size: 24px;) (Problem which EPA solves)

-> link to [Exploratory Pattern Analytics]